Texas Gov. Abbott Signs Order Requiring Hospitals Log Immigration Status Of Patients

Greg Abbott (R) on Thursday signed an executive order requiring hospitals to record the immigration status of patients starting later this year, in a bid to assess costs that the state incurs by providing care to people lacking permanent legal status. On social media, Abbott vowed to make Democratic President Joe Biden’s administration reimburse Texas for its “costly” border policies. Advertisement “Texans should NOT have to foot the bill for illegal immigrants healthcare,” the governor wrote. pic.twitter.com/NRHzXiJ1VH — Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) August 8, 2024 Under federal law, hospitals are not allowed to deny emergency care to any individual, regardless of their immigration status or ability to cover the cost of treatment. Abbott said this results in Texans ultimately bearing “the costs associated with public financial support for medical care for individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States, in the form of higher taxes.” Under the new rules, starting Nov. 1, 2024, hospitals in the state will be required to log the number of inpatient discharges and emergency visits by such immigrants, as well as the costs associated with providing care to them. The newly signed order also calls for hospitals to report the data quarterly to the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, with the first submissions due by March 1, 2025. Advertisement Additionally, hospitals will be mandated to present an annual report on the cost of care for these immigrants to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the state House starting in January 2026. @GovAbbott yet again social engineering and targeting immigrants. @GovAbbott yet again social engineering and targeting immigrants. pic.twitter.com/IqrO5uNZhR — Rep. Sylvia Garcia (@RepSylviaGarcia) August 8, 2024 Abbott, who has frequently sparred with the Biden administration on immigration, did not commit to working with Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. – This Summarize was created by Neural News AI (V1). Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/greg-abbott-order-hospitals-immigrants_n_66b6138fe4b044cc5e9981a2

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