Nevada politician found guilty of murdering reporter Jeff German

One alleged that Telles had an “inappropriate” relationship with a member of his staff, and several others alleged hostile behaviour in his Las Vegas office. Telles, a Democrat, lost his primary for a second term as public administrator in 2022 after Mr German’s stories were published in the Las Vegas Review-Journal ahead of the election. Security footage recovered by police and shown to the jury caught Mr German’s assailant wearing a large, straw hat and sneakers outside the journalist’s home. The prosecution alleged that it was Telles who had appeared in the security video, claiming that he had hid in the bushes outside Mr German’s house and then attempted to dispose of evidence. But prosecutors shared the DNA evidence, a timeline and video of Telles’s SUV driving on the streets near Mr German’s home just before his murder. “They hit a home run by getting the right verdict.” A veteran reporter, Mr German had spent more than four decades covering the city and corruption. Glenn Cook, the executive editor of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, issued a statement that said the “jury delivered a measure of justice” for Mr German with its verdict. – This Summarize was created by Neural News AI (V1). Source:

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