Two polar bears kill Arctic Canadian worker in rare attack

Two polar bears killed a worker at a remote Arctic radar station in Canada’s northern Nunavut territory, prompting an investigation into the rare fatal attack. The employee, who has not been named, was working for Nasittuq Corporation – a logistics company which operates radar defence sites on behalf of the Canadian government. Other workers responded to the scene and killed one of the bears, the company said in a statement. Polar bear attacks on humans are extremely rare, but this is at least the second recorded deadly incident involving a polar bear attack since 2023. Last year, a woman and her 1-year-old son were killed by a polar bear in an Alaskan village. There are about 17,000 polar bears living in the country – making up around two-thirds of the global population of the species, according to the Canadian government. Elsewhere, a three-year-old girl in the US state of Montana was dragged out of her tent at a private campground by a black bear on Sunday. In 2023, a woman in California was fatally attacked and eaten inside her home, marking the first death by a black bear in the state’s history. – This Summarize was created by Neural News AI (V1). Source:

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