‘I Would Divorce Him’: People Are Saying This Woman Should Leave Her Husband After Discovering He Trashes The Lunches She Makes Him And Eats The Food His ‘Work Wife’ Prepares
But ever since then, this has been happening every day, and it started to get annoying.” “Until today, I decided not to make him lunch. I tried to discuss how I felt, and he went over it. “Let him make his own food,” user Artistic_AD753 wrote. If he doesn’t like it, tough luck, he needs to realize he’s upsetting you.” “I think in plain words you need to tell your husband that you don’t want him interacting with her at all unless it’s required for business and only as minimum as necessary,” user SuccySuccubi wrote. “Her behavior, from consistently cooking for him to calling him her work husband and giving him tight hugs, are extremely inappropriate. He should not be more worried about hurting a coworker’s feelings than disrespecting his marriage. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings by not eating her food, but he has no issue with throwing his own wife’s food away in front of you. His coworker’s behavior is a direct threat to his marriage, and it is his responsibility to set and enforce the boundaries to protect the marriage.” User fubar_68 felt even more strongly, and called for a divorce. He’s disrespectful to his wife, and she’s rubbing the affair in your face, and he’s not doing anything to stop it. Start doing divorce research, print it out, and let him find it.” “It’s essential to understand the dynamics of workplace relationships, and the fact of the matter is, respect and boundaries are key, both of which are currently missing in your situation,” user DaisyRebeccaa wrote. The concept of a work spouse should never eclipse the sanctity of a real marital relationship, and the intimate nature of preparing daily meals is pushing well beyond reasonable work friend behavior.” – This Summarize was created by Neural News AI (V1). Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/divorce-woman-husband-work-wife_l_66d0d687e4b08063c0bfcc8c