MrBeast and Amazon sued by competitors from his $5M reality show over alleged ‘unsafe’ conditions
MrBeast is accused of creating “unsafe” employment conditions and misrepresenting contestants’ odds at winning his new Amazon reality show’s $5 million grand prize MrBeast and Amazon sued by competitors from his $5M reality show over alleged ‘unsafe’ conditions NEW YORK — MrBeast is accused of creating “unsafe” employment conditions, including sexual harassment, and misrepresenting contestants’ odds at winning his new Amazon reality show’s $5 million grand prize in a lawsuit filed Tuesday by five unnamed participants. The filing alleges that the multimillion-dollar company behind YouTube’s most popular channel failed to provide minimum wages, overtime pay, uninterrupted meal breaks and rest time for competitors — whose “work on the show was the entertainment product” sold by MrBeast. Donaldson’s companies cast 2,000 people in an initial tryout this July where half could advance to the actual show’s filming in Toronto. The lawsuit argues the “false advertising” violated California business laws that prohibit sweepstakes operators from “misrepresenting in any manner the odds of winning any prize.” Those sections are heavily redacted in an effort to comply with “confidentiality provisions” signed by the competitors, according to a press release from their lawyers. MrBeast’s team also faces new accusations they “knowingly misclassified” the contestants’ employment status to the Nevada Film Commission in order to receive a state tax credit for more than $2 million. Among other forms of relief, the five competitors seek an order that MrBeast institute “workplace reforms” and awards “all wages owed.” – This Summarize was created by Neural News AI (V1). Source: